Roller Shutter Door: roll forming machine by Dallan for flat and curved slats
The simplest Dallan system for the production of roller shutter profiles is the DALLAN D16 roll forming machine.Thanks to the DALLAN COMBI system, this machine can pass quickly from a curved to a flat slat or, with a second Combi unit fitted, it can produce the end slat.The DALLAN D16 system is the simplest for producing roller shutter door profiles, operating in the start-stop mode; Higher output systems with flying shears are also available, which operate from 30 metres a minute up to 60 metres a minute.The profiles leave the machine in 6-metre long bars to be machined or already cut to size with holes made for fixing the end caps.
Roller shutter doors: perforation lines for in line and off line application
Perforated roller shutter doors are in high demand for shops, airports and shopping centres. With the DALLAN D16 system, perforated and unperforated coils can be used with an excellent aesthetic result in both cases.The perforated coils can be purchased from service centres; some customers prefer to have the perforation technology in-house. We have developed the compact DALLAN LF2 perforation machine specifically to meet the needs of customers who want to perforate coils for their internal use.Once perforated the coil is rewound and can be machined by the DALLAN D16 roll former at maximum production speed.
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